
vineyard & orchard leaf defoliators

If you are looking for the best available mechanical Leaf Defoliators on the market you will want to speak with Marshall Machinery.

You will be able to discuss the pros and cons on various mechanical leaf pluckers and leaf defoliators that Marshall Machinery can make available to you. With the latest in automatic sensing leaf pluckers that achieve next to zero damage to fruit whilst removing high volumes of leaf, all at a relatively high speed.

The Rinieri Leaf Pluckers are incredibly efficient and easy to get great results. You may otherwise be wanting to take advantage of the pulse air defoliating systems that provide you with the ability to clean trash from bunches and remove leaf foliage in a way that could not otherwise be done easily.

Marshall Machinery are keen to meet and discuss your specific requirements for mechanical leaf defoliation and remember that we offer full installation, training and technical support with everything that we sell.

Vineyard and orchard leaf defoliator

Equipment for sale

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